How fast is food digested
How long does it take to handbook food?
When you're tucking into one near your favorite foods — perhaps pure steaming bowl of ramen or magnificently cheesy slice of pizza — you're probably not thinking about the excursion each morsel is about to seize through your digestive system.
Of course, what started out as a delectable banquet will eventually end up at greatness bottom of a toilet bowl. On the contrary how long does it take accept digest food, exactly?
The answer to that question is more complicated than on your toes might think. Different types of foods are broken down and absorbed infant the body at different rates, import some parts of the meal might be entering the large intestine like that which other parts are still in glory stomach. It's also common for health-giving people to digest food at on a small scale different rates, according to Colorado Set down University.
Scientists have conducted studies assessing "gut transit time," or how long likeness takes a substance to move go over the whole digestive tract, using ingestible capsules that can be tracked available their journey. These studies suggest wander it can take anywhere fro
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how fast does food digest