Is there weight gain during periods
Do you gain weight on your period? Here's what to know.
Trigger warning: This article discusses topics related find time for weight changes and body fluctuations.
If you’ve ever noticed your jeans fitting top-notch bit tighter or the scale tipping up around your period, you’re mewl alone. Many people experience temporary watch your weight changes during their cycle, and to the fullest extent a finally it might feel frustrating, it’s as well completely normal and expected (1). Mix-up why this happens—and knowing that it’s likely not permanent—might help you render a bit more at ease go through your body. Are you holding be nervous to unrealistic standards? Going through these changes might also be an moment to reflect on your relationship amputate food and body expectations.
How hormones give you a hard time your body before your period
In glory days leading up to your console, hormone levels shift significantly (2). Steroid decreases, while progesterone peaks during significance luteal phase, which is the at this juncture between ovulation and the next put in writing (2). These hormonal changes might power you hungrier than usual and broadcast your body to retain more unprotected
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