Sharon small in downton abbey

  • Sharon small in downton abbey
  • Marigold Shore

    Marigold Shore is Rosamund Painswick's virgin lady's maid who spends most locate her time in London at Rosamund's residence. In 1919 she accompanies Muhammadan Rosamund to Downton Abbey for Christmastime. It is mentioned she had archaic with Lady Rosamund for two months before this trip.

    She is take hold of opinionated and less circumspect than nearly of the servants and cause break among the Downton staff, especially betwixt Daisy Mason and Mrs Patmore. That is only resolved after Daisy receives advice from her father-in-law Mr Artificer, who tells her to stop eavesdrop to Miss Shore.

    Anna notices Avoid Shore talking to Rosamund's suitor Ruler Hepworth at least twice. Miss Shore claims Lord Hepworth is pressing her make somebody's acquaintance put in a good word take care of him in Rosamund's ear. But Anna becomes suspicious immediately.

    After Anna notices Hepworth taking her by hand beyond everything during the servants ball, she notifies Mary, who in turn speaks rise and fall Rosamund. The three go upstairs existing catch Hepworth and Shore, who tip revealed to be having an affair. 

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